Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 22/366

"Why, you learning to lean," her mom replied with an impish grin.

"I don't understand.  You mean on God?"

Mom Fairy tilted her head, then gave her wand a swish.  And there was Patrick, in full dress uniform, somewhere in the Middle Eastern desert.

"You coming back for more, Rocky?"  Leslie knew that voice: Corporal Stewart Lewiston, her husband's best friend and a member of his platoon.

Patrick inspected the toe of his dress shoe, then shrugged.  "Haven't quite made up my mind."
Stewie grinned.  "Can't get enough of sand in your everything, is that it?"

"No, and if I want sand in everything, I can take the family to the beach."  Patrick, the man his men considered their solid leader, totally dependable and solid in his faith, looked concerned.  "I'm just thinking on a reason to go home instead of staying in."

"Seems to me," Stew advised, "you've got four very good reasons to get out while the getting out is good."  A single man, no kids, deceased father and distant mother was all Stewie had to look forward to.

But Patrick had a wife, kids, church family, and several in his extended family to be with.  "Here's the problem, Stew.  If I'm here, I know I'm needed and valuable to the operation.  But, back home..." he trailed off, not wanting to say too much.

Stewart shook his head.  "Now, you know that's not true.  If anything, that boy of yours needs you."

Patrick's gaze focused on something in the distance.  "I know Kyle would do better with me around more often.  But Leslie has everything pretty much in hand.  I doubt she needs me underfoot."

He disappeared in a shower of lavender sparks.  "No, wait!  Patrick, I DO need you!  I DO want you home!"  Leslie's eyes welled up with tears and two big fat drops ran down her cheeks.  "Bring him back, Mom, please!"

Mom Fairy shook her head sadly.  "I'm sorry Baby Girl.  That's just not possible."

Anger sparked in her eyes, and her cheeks flushed.  "You just had him here!  Of course you can bring him back!"

"Sweetie, I can't.  You know that.  Think, Leslie.  Look around you," she said, fading more with each word.  "Look and learn, Sweet Pea..."

And just like that, Mom Fairy was gone.

All words are property of Deena Peterson and not to be used without permission.

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