Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 49/366

Gen began pacing, moving from the kitchen to the living room, then back.  She had to be missing something, some way to end this nightmare and still learn what her dad had saved in that storage unit.

Because something had been in there.

And now it was missing.

Something important, so much so that some anonymous person was able to use the information as leverage. Leverage used to force her to do unspeakable things.

Her legs folded and she went down hard on the carpet. Regardless of the outcome, her life would never be the same.

Why had she picked up that phone?  Finding the key hadn't cost her anything.  Searching for the storage site was no threat to anyone.  But once inside, she could have just walked away.

She should have walked away.

Her life was good.  It had meaning, had purpose and was fulfilling.  Gen loved her work at the non-profit her parents had started, a ministry designed to free women and children from slavery and trafficking.

More and More had been in operation for just over seven years, and had many success stories in its history.  Working with missionaries in some of the poorest countries, MOM had been instrumental in providing housing, counselling and employment to over a thousand women and children.

After her mother passed away, Gen had moved into the role of liaison, connecting churches and businesses with needs on foreign soil.  Recently she'd been working on a few fundraising ideas.

The loss of her father had impacted her life in more than one way.  She'd lost her dad, her pastor, her ministry leader, and the only man in her life.

Maybe that's the reason she'd picked up the phone that day.  Discovering the reason he'd wanted to talk to her that night would help fill that empty space she carried with her every day.

In order to find the answers, she had to connect with the person on the other end of the call.

If only Genevieve had known what kind of person she would be dealing with...too late now.

All words are the property of Deena Peterson and not to be used without permission.

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